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AI is a blessing or a curse in Digital Marketing

The introduction of new technology always baffles you as it comes with positives and negatives. It is also true for AI or artificial intelligence. While visualising artificial intelligence, you may think that it is a synthetic consciousness developed by man in the way depicted in sci-fi movies. In reality, AI is a technology that has problem-solving and emotional recognition abilities. What is Artificial Intelligence Marketing? If you use Google Assistant, Siri or Bixby, you may see that Google is following your instructions even when you are giving a voice command. Set an alarm on Google for the next morning or ask Siri to find out the latest news on technology. Your digital personal assistant will look online or go through your device for relevant information. In simple language, artificial intelligence or machine intelligence builds and manages a system allowing it to make decisions autonomously. AI usually carries out diverse kinds of functions on human behalf. AI and Digital Marketing  Whether artificial intelligence holds the future of marketing, is difficult to tell as technology is changing constantly. However, AI has the power to reshape the marketing landscape. It offers more opportunities for digital marketers for transforming the digital marketing world. The latest technology shows that there are ways to explore untapped potentials in advertising and marketing and utilise them for the benefit of a brand. AI in digital marketing may improve further in the future. To stay ahead in today’s world, you have to take advantage of the latest technology. The hype around AI in digital marketing is increasing astronomically every year. Based on the survey by Fortune Business Insights, yearly AI marketing and business growth may reach 32.2% between 2020 and 2027. Due to its capability to tackle an enormous amount of data, AI has become the perfect platform for digital marketing. Importance of AI in Digital Marketing Now, AI has become an important part of business and digital marketing, Artificial Intelligence makes digital marketing tasks easier. While minimising manual tasks, it maximises the result. AI can process huge amounts of data every day to obtain useful insight. How AI is making an impact in the world of Digital Marketing? Similar to other fields, AI brings some positive elements to the world of digital marketing. However, there may be some challenges on the way too. Here are some positive impacts of using AI for Digital Marketing
  • Content Curation and Generation
Content marketing has become a global industry. As it is considered to be a norm, it is hard to believe that it is only a part of digital marketing. AI can curate and develop content before delivering it through a proper channel. Technology is capable of delivering automated content on a basic level. AI may produce an initial draft of content for the writers in the coming days based on certain factors. As far as the strategic front is concerned, AI can assist marketers to produce an end-to-end content strategy. The facility is already available with some of the marketing products.
  • AI Enhanced Digital Marketing
Now, it is quite impossible to implement some of the digital marketing techniques without help from AI. Delivery system AI-based can power a LED-powered billboard. Depending on the huge data and advanced algorithm, the system can run independently while showing an apt advertisement to the targeted people. Experts refer to it as programmatic advertising. Previously, the development of advertisements has been a complete creative process. It is still important. If you want your advertisement to be effective, you have to look ahead for inventiveness. By targeting the audience, you can deliver appropriate messages. To maximise the return from an advertisement, AI displays advertisements to the relevant visitors only. Purchased automatic insurance, you can customise it at any level.
  • Chatbots
Chatbots are gamechanger which you may find on various websites and it answers frequent queries of customers. Chatbots can influence your customer experience. Some of the firms may not have enough employees to answer queries from customers every day. Chatbots can handle everything independently. In comparison to simple chatbots, smart chatbots are more promising. These AI-powered technologies offer a response to customers in real-time.
  • Behaviour and Predictive Analysis
Companies hire data scientists and programmers for marketing these days. Data scientists and programmers can become the foundation of a marketing campaign. The Internet can act as a behavioural science laboratory as it has massive data storage. For marketing professionals, it is not possible to analyse all these data. However, AI can do it easily. By using AI, an organisation can get a deep insight into the customer’s behaviour. Machine learning and massive data analysis play an important part in the occasion. The business will able to offer a hyper personalise encounter. In addition, they may be able to predict customers’ future after analysing the collected data. For these above benefits, businesses are investing in AI heavily. As time goes by, marketers will be able to learn what the most effective ways of digital marketing are while using AI. Challenges in Using AI for Marketing Now, the marketing industry uses AI more than others to meet customers’ expectations. However, there are some challenges when it comes to maintaining the high rank of the brand online. Here are some challenges that AI faces.
  • Obtaining High-Quality Data 
To achieve marketing goals, AI takes action automatically. However, high-quality data and time play an important role in understanding customer preferences, goals and trends. If the AI tools are equipped with accurate and quality data then only they can take an optimal decision.
  • Balancing Accuracy
AI technology is advanced. However, it does not mean that it is superior. Due to wrong predictions by AI, you may have to pay a lot. On the other hand, a precise forecast can do wonders for your business. If you overlook these issues, it may lead to huge trouble.
  • Detecting Problems
Despite being a distinctive marketing tool, AI is not capable of providing solutions to every issue. Integration of AI without any insight may lead to failure. Therefore, you must utilise this technology when you have clear objectives and metrics to obtain success.
  • Intricacy
Brands require time to develop and maintain machine-learning solutions. Scattered data have to be properly extracted and reformatted to get results.
  • Resource Investment
Execution of AI marketing depends on the resource investment which is quite high. More importantly, AI requires case-based execution instead channel-based. If you like to track search engines on the site, an effective algorithm can be your best option. Conclusion AI has a long way to go. However, it has started to make an impact on the marketing industry especially. The reality is that AI will flourish whether you like it or not. So, marketers need to adapt to the changes. As it is discussed above, AI offers a lot of benefits in the marketing sector. However, there are some issues at the same time. In the future, digital marketers may learn new tricks and strategies to overcome these difficulties. It is better to update yourself with the latest development in AI. The job of marketers will become easier with the introduction of AI despite its negative aspects. AI does not have the power to make marketing professionals redundant. Repetitive tasks are usually taken care of by the AI while professionals can concentrate more on networking and analysis. In conclusion, it can be said that AI can be a boon for those marketing professionals that will embrace it.