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Let Us Know about YouTube Shorts

The popularity of short-form videos is increasing. Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels and Vine have a wide and viral audience. It seems that people are still interested in them and have not got enough of them yet. Giving response to the trend, YouTube has introduced YouTube Shorts. Marketers should adapt to the trend and add small content to their marketing plan.

What are YouTube Shorts? First, YouTube Shorts has been launched in India. It is a short and catchy video that has been created for creatives especially. You can watch them easily using your mobile phone. Viewership of these videos is enhancing gradually. In India, YouTube Shorts has been a huge success. The US Beta launch of YouTube Shorts happened in 2021 and showed a lot of promise. Now, it is available in various countries. Similar to Instagram Reels and TikTok videos, these short videos are easy to digest. The video encompasses a single topic along with snappy animations, documentary shorts, music video parodies and brand content.

Benefits of Using YouTube Shorts

Among all types of short videos, why should you pick YouTube Shorts? Like Instagram Reels and TikTok, YouTube Shorts does not contain some features. However, it comes with various advantages.

A lot of equipment is not required: Desktops or laptops are not needed to work on your YouTube Shorts. If you have a smartphone, then you can create YouTube Shorts.

Produce accessible content: Deliver digestible content that they can consume easily.

Convenience: Multiple videos should be uploaded together along with the caption.

Potential audience: There are about 774.6 million active users of YouTube just through iPad and iPhone.

How to Achieve Success with YouTube Shorts
  • Remember about Content-Length
The video should be around within 58 seconds. However, the highest-viewed shorts are usually 30 seconds or less long. If it is possible to express your story in a shorter time, you must do it. Unnecessary and dead air footage must be removed.  
  • Be Consistent
The length of the video should be consistent. Users must know what they can expect. Due to familiarity, your trust in the brand may increase.
  • Informative and Entertaining
Your content should be benefiting for the viewers. It is important to make content for which a customer should come back time and again. Valuable information should be offered while entertaining the customers.
  • Set Expectations
At the beginning of a video, you must inform the viewers about yourself and what are your videos about.
  • Customised Thumbnails
Shorts can be looked at as a regular YouTube video. Viewers usually view a thumbnail in their feed. Title screening or viewing something attractive are both different things. On the occasion, the difference is similar to a new subscriber and scrolling through content. If there is not a thumbnail specified by you, YouTube may choose something from your video. However, you may not want that.
  • Include Catchy Title
Using your title, you can attract your users. If you like, you can include a keyword in them. It is better to be informative and interesting. You may get a bonus point when you can make the viewers laugh.